32 Meilleurs Avantages Pour La Santé Du Concombre (Kheera)

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Vidéo: 32 Meilleurs Avantages Pour La Santé Du Concombre (Kheera)

Vidéo: 32 Meilleurs Avantages Pour La Santé Du Concombre (Kheera)
Vidéo: le 10/07/2021:Au voleur !!!!!! le concombre comment çà marche ? 2024, Mai
32 Meilleurs Avantages Pour La Santé Du Concombre (Kheera)
32 Meilleurs Avantages Pour La Santé Du Concombre (Kheera)

Populairement connu sous le nom de «khira / kheera» ou «kakdi» en hindi, le concombre est l'une des plus anciennes cultures cultivées, qui serait originaire du sous-continent indien. Il est également connu sous le nom de «Dosakaya» en télougou, «Kakkarikkari» en tamoul, «Kani Vellarikka» en malayalam, «Kakdi» en gujarati, «Sosha» en bengali, «Kakadi» en marathi et «Tar» en punjabi. Le concombre ou Cucumis sativus est une plante grimpante qui appartient à la famille des cucurbitacées.

Il a une couleur vert clair à vert foncé, une peau fine, une chair riche en humidité avec de minuscules graines comestibles à l'intérieur et se déguste mieux dans les salades, les sandwichs ou sous forme de jus. Il a une teneur élevée en eau qui aide à garder votre corps hydraté, et sa faible teneur en calories en fait un excellent choix pour un régime amaigrissant. Alors essayons de comprendre comment les concombres aident à maintenir notre corps en pleine forme.

Avantages du concombre

Avantages pour la peau

  1. Revitalise la peau
  2. Inverse le bronzage de la peau
  3. Contrôle les poches des yeux
  4. Aide à apaiser les coups de soleil
  5. Rajeunit la peau
  6. Traite les pores ouverts
  7. Combat la cellulite
  8. Réduit les cernes
  9. Traite les imperfections
  10. Réduit les rides des yeux
  11. Élimination de l'excès d'eau
  12. Sous les sacs pour les yeux

Avantages pour les cheveux

  1. Réduit la chute des cheveux
  2. Donne des cheveux brillants

Avantages pour la santé

  1. Soulage la constipation
  2. Maintient votre système rénal en bonne santé
  3. Aide à la digestion
  4. Combat les vers intestinaux
  5. Maintient l'équilibre électrolytique
  6. Réduit l'inflammation
  7. Bénéfique pour les diabétiques
  8. Est une prévention contre le cancer
  9. Bon pour la santé dentaire
  10. Guérit la gueule de bois
  11. Bon pour traiter les problèmes de tension artérielle
  12. Détoxifie votre corps
  13. Renforce les os
  14. Traite la maladie d'Alzheimer
  15. Aide à la perte de poids
  16. Avantages pour le système nerveux

Autres bénéfices

  1. Agit comme un détachant
  2. Contrôle les ravageurs

Avantages pour la peau du concombre

1. Revitalise la peau

Le plus grand et le plus important avantage du concombre pour la peau est qu'il aide à revitaliser la peau.

De quoi as-tu besoin

  • 2 tranches de ¼ de pouce de concombre
  • 1 cuillère à soupe + 1 cuillère à café de yogourt grec
  • 1 cuillère à café de gel d'aloe vera
  • 1 cuillère à café de miel
  • 1/2 cuillère à café de jus de citron
Qu'as tu besoin de faire
  1. Réduisez le concombre en purée dans un mixeur puis ajoutez-y les autres ingrédients.
  2. Ensuite, appliquez une couche du masque sur une peau humide et laissez agir pendant cinq minutes.
  3. Faites un suivi avec le masque restant une ou deux fois pour un total de 15 à 20 minutes.
  4. Une fois sec, rincez-le à l'eau tiède. Suivez-le en éclaboussant votre visage avec de l'eau froide pour fermer les pores de votre peau.

Pourquoi ça marche

Les masques faciaux contenant du jus de concombre sont bénéfiques pour le raffermissement de la peau (1).

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2. Inverse le bronzage de la peau

Le concombre est un astringent doux qui aide à se débarrasser du bronzage de la peau.

De quoi avez-vous besoin

Jus de concombre râpé

Qu'as tu besoin de faire

  1. Après avoir râpé le concombre, prenez un gant de toilette propre et utilisez-le pour presser le jus.
  2. Ensuite, appliquez le jus sur votre visage.

Pourquoi ça marche

Il a une propriété de blanchiment douce qui peut aider à uniformiser le teint et vous donner une peau jeune et éclatante (2).

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3. Contrôle les poches des yeux

Si vous êtes préoccupé par les poches, les concombres peuvent vous procurer un soulagement instantané.

De quoi as-tu besoin

Un concombre tranché

Qu'as tu besoin de faire

Mettez deux tranches de concombre sur vos yeux et laissez-le rester aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez.

Pourquoi ça marche

L'acide ascorbique et l'acide caféique dans le concombre réduisent le taux de rétention d'eau, ce qui, à son tour, diminue le gonflement et les poches autour des yeux (3). Le concombre peut facilement réduire les poches dans vos yeux. Coupez simplement des tranches de concombre, réfrigérez-le un moment et placez-le tous les jours sur vos paupières fermées. Cela réduira non seulement les poches, mais vous aidera également à vous détendre. Il hydrate réellement vos yeux et réduit les poches.

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Reverses Skin Tanning
Reverses Skin Tanning

4. Aide à apaiser les coups de soleil

Le concombre guérit également la peau brûlée par le soleil et apporte un soulagement instantané.

De quoi as-tu besoin

Concombre tranché ou en purée

Qu'as tu besoin de faire

Appliquez soigneusement et généreusement du concombre en purée ou des tranches sur la zone touchée et laissez-le reposer aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez.

Pourquoi ça marche

Cucumber is a natural and gentle way to treat sunburn since it helps draw the latent heat out of your body (4).

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5. Rejuvenates Skin

The most common use of cucumber is to improve and rejuvenate your skin.

What You Need

  • Cucumber juice
  • Lemon Juice

What You Need To Do

  1. Mix cucumber juice with a few drop of lemon juice. Apply the mixture as a facial mask.
  2. Let it sit for a while and then, use a wet towel to pat your skin dry.

Why Does It Work

Application of this mask will improve the complexion and will add a glow to the skin since cucumber is both a mild astringent and contains a lot of water (5).

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6. Treats Open Pores

You can also use cucumber to treat open pores and heat bumps on legs.

What You Need

  • Cucumber juice
  • Apple cider vinegar (optional)
  • Tomato pulp (optional)
  • Aloe vera gel (optional)

What You Need To Do

1. Blend the cucumber to get the juice and use it as a toner.

2. You can also mix it with apple cider vinegar, tomato pulp, and aloe vera gel to make it more effective

Why Does It Work

Cucumber juice can absorb the heat, rendering coolness and closing open pores (6).

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7. Fights Cellulite

Cucumber can also help banish cellulite from the thighs.

What You Need

  • Cucumber juice
  • Ground coffee
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey

What You Need To Do

  1. Mix some ground coffee with cucumber juice and raw honey to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply this on the affected areas, wrap it in a muslin cloth and exfoliate gently after 30 minutes.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber juice contains phytochemicals that help in the production of collagen, the fiber-like protein responsible for skin elasticity and remove cellulite (7).

Fights Cellulite
Fights Cellulite

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8. Reduces Dark Circles

Using cucumber slices around the eyes also reduces the appearance of dark circles quickly.

What You Need

  • Sliced cucumber


  • Cotton balls soaked in cucumber juice

What You Need To Do

  1. Place two slices of cucumbers on the eyes and leave them for 20 minutes.
  2. Alternatively, you can also soak two cotton balls in cucumber juice and place them on your eyes.

Why Does It Work

The abundance of antioxidants and silica in cucumber can help in slowly fading dark circles (8). Though cucumber cannot permanently cure your dark circles, it sure can make the skin around your eyes appear lighter on a temporary basis. The skin around our eyes is often found discolored, and these dark circles spoil the prettiest of faces. Cucumber comforts vessels around your eyes; hence helps bring back its normal tinge.

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9. Treats Blemishes

You can use grated cucumber to treat freckles and blemishes.

What You Need

  • Cucumber juice or pulp
  • 1 teaspoon of oats

What You Need To Do

  1. Mix the oatmeal in the cucumber pulp and let it sit for half an hour.
  2. Apply it over the face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Then, wash your face with lukewarm water and follow it up by splashing cold water.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe your skin (9).

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10. Reduces Eye Wrinkles

Cucumber is a natural moisturizer. The skin around our eyes is the thinnest in our body. Placing cold cucumber slices on your eyes can hydrate your eyes and the skin around. This, in turn, can help reduce lines and wrinkles around eyes. Hydrated skin means smoother skin. You can actually call cucumber an eye moisturizer.

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11. Removing Excess Water

Cold cucumber slices on eyes helps remove excess water. This is a great way of drawing excess moisture out of the skin cells around eyes. This is believed to reduce swelling of the eyes.

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12. Under Eye Bags

Cucumber also helps toning down of under eye bags. Take a small inch of a cold cucumber and make a fine paste by grinding it. Now add either lavender oil or chamomile oil to it along with some honey. Blend it well and make it into a fine paste. Now apply this under your eyes using your fingers lightly. Leave this on for around 10-15 minutes and wipe using a damp cloth. This will help a lot in reducing the under eye bags.

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Hair Benefits Of Cucumber

13. Reduces Hair Fall

Drink cucumber juice daily to control hair fall.

What Do You Need

Cucumber juice

What You Need To Do

Apply cucumber juice to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for an hour and then shampoo.

Why Does It Work

The most important benefit of cucumber for hair is primarily due to its content of silicon, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, and calcium that are some of the most needed nutrients required for hair growth (10).

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14. Gives Shiny Hair

Cucumber juice can also be used as a hair rinse to get silky and shiny hair.

Why Does It Work

It conditions the hair owing to the presence of silica and makes it more beautiful (11).

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Health Benefits Of Cucumber

Health Benefits Of Cucumber
Health Benefits Of Cucumber

15. Relieves Constipation

Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an effective laxative.

Why Does It Work

The amount of calories in cucumber is very low, but its fiber content adds to your bowel bulk and relieves problems like constipation (12).

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16. Keeps Your Renal System Healthy

Cucumbers help treat problems arising in your urinary system.

What You Need

Cucumber juice

What You Need To Do

Drink cucumber juice twice, daily.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber juice is a potent diuretic food that helps flush out toxins from your body. It also eases the pressure on your kidneys and keeps them healthy (13).

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17. Aids Digestion

Digestive problems like heartburn, acidity, gastritis, and ulcers can be cured by consuming cucumber.

What You Need

Sliced cucumber or cucumber juice

What You Need To Do

Include cucumber in your daily diet.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber contains a high amount of fiber that helps in digestion (14).

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18. Fights Intestinal Worms

Cucumber is considered as a natural remedy to eliminate tapeworm from the intestinal tracts.

Why does It Work

Cucumber contains the enzyme erepsin that is known to kill tapeworms (15).

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19. Maintains Electrolyte Balance

Cucumbers regulate the blood pressure level in your body at the optimum.

Why Does It Work

Cucumbers are one of the best sources of potassium and contain 136 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams (16). Potassium in blood neutralizes the effects of sodium and helps maintain electrolyte balance (17).

Maintains Electrolyte Balance
Maintains Electrolyte Balance

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20. Reduces Inflammation

Fresh cucumber extracts are also known to reduce unwanted inflammation.

Why Does It Work

It accomplishes the task by inhibiting the production of prostaglandin, the inflammatory compound (18). Cucumber has a substance called beta-carotene. This acts as an anti-oxidant. It helps fight free radicals and controls damage. It also promotes healing. Cucumbers are also rich in flavonoids which are great for reducing inflammation.

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21. Beneficial For Diabetics

Cucumbers are also an effective treatment for diabetes.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber juice contains hormones that are needed by the pancreas for producing insulin (19).

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22. Is A Cancer Preventive

A recent study has found cucumber to be an effective remedy to fight different kinds of cancer.

Why Does It Work

Cucumbers are known to contain lignans that are found to reduce the risks of developing breast cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer (20). It has some of the most important ingredients such as lariciresinol, pinoresinol, secoisolariciresinol that help in reducing the risk of all types of cancer. It has got photo-nutrients known as lignans that help in preventing cancer. Vitamin C found in cucumber seeds acts as an antioxidant and also improves the immunity system.

Cancer Preventive
Cancer Preventive

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23. Good For Dental Health

Cucumber also combats bad breath.

What You Need

Cucumber slice

What You Need To Do

Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of the mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds.

Why Does It Work

The fruit releases phytochemicals that kill the bad breath causing bacteria (21). Cucumber juice can effectively treat gum diseases like pyorrhoea and weak gums (22). Cucumber keeps gums and teeth healthy as it removes bad odor from the mouth. The photochemical present in it kills the bacteria in the mouth. Regular consumption of cucumber with the seeds neutralizes acids in the mouth and promotes salivation.

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24. Cures Hangover

Cucumber can also be used to cure a hangover and the headache associated with it.

What You Need

Few slices of cucumber

What You Need To Do

Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed.

Why Does It Work

This is because they help to rehydrate the body’s nutrients and eliminate the toxins that are present due to the intake of alcohol. The sugar, vitamin B, and electrolytes in the cucumber will reduce the intensity of the hangover and the headache (23).

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25. Good For Treating Blood Pressure Issues

Cucumber can also help lower blood pressure.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber has mild diuretic properties owing to its high potassium and water content that regulate the blood pressure and treat both high and low blood pressure (24).

Treating Blood Pressure Issues
Treating Blood Pressure Issues

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26. Detoxifies Your Body

One of the most common benefits of cucumber is that it is a great detox.

Why Does It Work

Cucumber contains 95 percent water that hydrates and replenishes the body by eliminating the toxins. The high water content in cucumber acts as a system cleanser and sweeps the waste products out of the system (25).

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27. Strengthens Bones

Cucumber is also known as a great remedy to strengthen your bones.

Why Does It Work

Vitamin K in cucumbers plays a very important role in strengthening bones by promoting orthotropic activity (26). Also, the high amount of silica in it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissue (27).

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28. Treats Alzheimer’s

Another benefit of cucumber is its ability to treat cognitive disabilities like Alzheimer’s disease.

Why Does It Work

Cucumbers contain a flavonoid called fisetin that is neuroprotective and enhances cognitive abilities, thereby delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s (28).

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29. Aids In Weight Loss

Cucumber seeds also help in losing weight and prevent indigestion, as the seeds and pulp have a low calorie count, high water content and replete with vitamins and fiber.

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30. Benefits To The Nervous System

Cucumber has copper minerals that help in creating neurotransmitters that are essential for proper communication in the brain.

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Other Benefits

31. Acts As A Stain Remover

Cucumber can also be used to remove stubborn stains and tarnish from stainless steel tools, countertops, and walls in the house as well as restore the lost shine.

What You Need

Slices of cucumber

What You Need to Do

Polish your vessels with slices of cucumber.

Why Does It Work

The chemicals found in cucumber prove to be very useful in making your pots and pans shine (29).

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32. Controls Pests

Cucumber is also known to help get rid of pests.

What You Need

Cucumber slices

What You Need To Do

Place slices of cucumbers in containers around the garden to control slugs and pests in the area.

Why Does It Work

The chemical in these vegetables releases a scent that wards of the pests and insects (30).

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Side Effects Of Cucumber

Sometimes, cucumbers have side effects that manifest differently in different people. Some of these reactions are discussed along with the precautions that should be practiced:

Allergies, especially around the oral cavity, itchiness, and swelling may also develop. This can be avoided by cooking the fruit rather than eating it in its raw form

Cucumber can also lead to gastritis problems in some people that are mainly caused due to a compound known as cucurbitacin. This can be avoided by eating cucumbers that have undergone breeding or whose compound has been removed

Cucumber can also cause toxicity and baldness caused by the chemicals found in them. This usually happens when one consumes excess cucumber

Nutritional Value Of Cucumber

Here is the nutritional overview of cucumber:

Nutrient Value
Energy 15 Kcal <1%
Carbohydrates 3.63 g 3%
Protein 0.65 g 1%
Total Fat 0.11 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fibre 0.5 g 1%
Niacin 0.098 mg <1%
Pantothenic acid 0.259 mg 5%
Pyridoxine 0.040 mg 3%
Riboflavin 0.033 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.027 mg 2%
Vitamin A 105 IU 3.5%
Vitamin C 2.8 mg 4.5%
Vitamin E 0.03 mg 0%
Vitamin K 16.4 µg 13.6%
Potassium 147 mg 3%
Iron 0.28 mg 3.5%
Magnesium 13 mg 3%
Manganese 0.079 mg 3.5%
Phosphorus 24 mg 3%
Zinc 0.20 mg 2%
Crypto-xanthin-ß 26 µg -
Lutein-zeaxanthin 23 µg -


When buying cucumbers, make sure that they are fresh. The color of the cucumbers should be light to dark green, and they should be firm in texture. Avoid buying cucumbers that have spots or cuts and are yellow in color. Also, wash them thoroughly before eating to remove pesticides and other harmful chemicals.


Cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for almost a week. If you have peeled the cucumber, then you can store it in an airtight container to prevent moisture from escaping. For optimum nutrition, a cucumber should be eaten within two to three days of purchasing. Also, they should not be left at room temperature for a long time as this can make them limp and wilt.

This wonderful low-calorie vegetable has more nutrients to offer than just water and electrolytes. It contains almost all the nutrients required for a balanced diet that not only help to maintain a healthy body, but also boost many other processes. So enjoy its many benefits and live a healthy life.


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