6 Bienfaits Pour La Santé Du Maïs Et Faits Nutritionnels

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Vidéo: 6 Bienfaits Pour La Santé Du Maïs Et Faits Nutritionnels

Vidéo: 6 Bienfaits Pour La Santé Du Maïs Et Faits Nutritionnels
Vidéo: Voici 5 bonnes raisons de manger du maïs tous les jours. Santé beauté nutrition. 2024, Mai
6 Bienfaits Pour La Santé Du Maïs Et Faits Nutritionnels
6 Bienfaits Pour La Santé Du Maïs Et Faits Nutritionnels

Le maïs est un aliment préféré de tous les temps de tous les groupes d'âge. Que ce soit du maïs doux bouilli, du maïs soufflé chaud et au beurre, des épis de maïs crus et habillés, des tortillas, des nachos ou de la semoule de maïs - ce grain végétarien brillant et magnifique a un goût divin.

Outre son goût et sa texture délicieux, le maïs est l'aliment de choix pour divers problèmes de santé. Il stimule la croissance des cheveux et réduit l'inflammation. Pour en savoir plus sur ce touche-à-tout, faites défiler vers le bas et lancez-vous!

Table des matières

  • Maïs: un aperçu approfondi
  • Types de maïs
  • Profil nutritionnel du maïs
  • Quels sont les avantages de manger du maïs?
  • Recettes saines avec du maïs
  • Le maïs a-t-il des effets secondaires?

Maïs: un aperçu approfondi

Le maïs (Zea mays) est la graine comestible (graine) de la plante céréalière appartenant à la famille des graminées (Poaceae). Cette culture domestique est originaire des Amériques et est l'une des cultures vivrières les plus largement distribuées dans le monde.

Le maïs est utilisé comme alimentation du bétail, alimentation humaine, biocarburant et matière première dans plusieurs industries. Les variétés les plus populaires pour la consommation sont le maïs jaune et blanc.

Maïs Un aperçu approfondi
Maïs Un aperçu approfondi

Il existe également des variétés de maïs à grains rouges, bleus, roses et noirs qui sont souvent bagués, tachetés ou rayés. C'est le résultat d'une incroyable interaction génétique!

Il existe différents types de maïs en fonction de la texture du grain. Jetons un coup d'œil à quelques-uns d'entre eux.

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Types de maïs

Maïs denté: A une dépression dans la couronne du grain qui est causée par un séchage inégal de l'amidon dur et mou constituant le grain.

Flint Corn: contient un peu d'amidon mou et n'a pas de dépression.

Farine de maïs: en grande partie composé d'amidon mou et a des grains tendres, farineux et facilement moulus.

Maïs doux: a des graines translucides ridées. Le sucre végétal n'est pas converti en amidon comme dans les autres types, ce qui lui confère une douceur.

Popcorn: Un type extrême de maïs silex qui se caractérise par de petits grains durs dépourvus d'amidon mou. Le chauffage provoque l'expansion de l'humidité dans les cellules, ce qui fait exploser les noyaux.

Le maïs n'est pas seulement composé d'amidon mais est également chargé de fibres, de glucides, de minéraux, de vitamines et d'autres micronutriments. Consultez la section suivante pour sa valeur nutritionnelle.

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Profil nutritionnel du maïs

Lipides saturés 1g Lipides trans 0 g Cholestérol 0 mg Sodium 58 mg Glucides totaux 123g Fibres alimentaires 12g Sucres 1g Protien 16g Vitamine A Vitamine C Calcium Le fer
Calories Montants par portion sélectionnée Glucides totaux
Graisse totale Acides gras trans-monoénoïques totaux Acides gras trans-polyénoïques totaux Acides gras oméga-3 totaux
Protéine Montants par portion sélectionnée Vitamine A Vitamine E (alpha tocophérol) Montants par portion sélectionnée Calcium

Le maïs a également un profil phytochimique intéressant.

Parmi les céréales, le maïs a l'un des niveaux les plus élevés de composés phénoliques. Cela signifie qu'il possède d'excellentes propriétés antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires et anticancéreuses.

Les anthocyanes, les coumarines, l'acide trihydroxybenzoïque, l'acide vanillique, l'acide caféique, l'acide férulique, l'acide chlorogénique, l'acide hydroxyphénylacétique sont présents dans le maïs.

En outre, des flavonoïdes comme la quercétine, la rustine, l'hirsutrine, le morin, le kaempférol, la naringénine, l'hespéritine, la zéaxanthine, la lutéine et leurs dérivés sont couramment observés dans cette céréale.

Attends une minute

  • Out of all the colors available in corn, purple corn is said to be the healthiest option because it is a reservoir of anthocyanin.
  • The total flavonoid content in purple corn ranges from 307.42 to 337.51 mg/kg, while yellow-hued corn contains between 248.64 to 281.20 mg/kg.

Since corn is a treasure chest of phytochemicals, eating it will give you a total health makeover.

The antioxidants present in corn help cure a broad spectrum of diseases. Want to know which ones?

Alright, then! Brace yourselves for a healthy dose of science and evidence.

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What Are The Benefits Of Eating Corn?

1. Controls Diabetes

Hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels) results in hypoxia (low oxygen level in blood). Hypoxia gets aggravated when there are free radicals in your blood.

These free radicals or reactive oxygen species trigger inflammation of tissues and undesired proliferation of cells.

The anthocyanins and flavonoids present in corn are potent free radical scavengers. They eliminate free radicals, improve blood flow, protect pancreatic β-cells, increase insulin secretion and sensitivity, and prevent renal failure (2), (3).

2. Might Aid Weight Loss

Corn silk – which is the stigma of maize – is a soft, thread-like waste material that is either green or yellow. Corn silk has many essential flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, sitosterol, along with calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

These phytochemicals in corn silk regulate the genes that control fat accumulation, fat cell (adipocytes) differentiation while increasing the rate of lipolysis, and fatty acid metabolism. This can potentially help you lose weight (4).

However, many papers have demonstrated the role of corn and its starch in weight gain and obesity (5).

3. Could Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s way of responding to threats like pathogens, free radicals, heavy metals, toxic intermediates, overdose, deficiency, external stimuli, and any other unfavorable physiological stress.

The proteins and phytochemicals present in different part of maize offer protection to your body from such pro-inflammatory agents. Corn gluten is one such protein. Flavonoids like quercetin, naringenin, and lutein, along with anthocyanins, also inhibit the activation of several pro-inflammatory genes and cellular mechanisms (6)(7).

As per this theory, a corn-rich diet can reduce constipation, asthma, arthritis, irritable bowel disease, GERD, and dermatitis.

However, there is extensive evidence out there that shows corn is a pro-inflammatory agent. Blame the starch and fats!

4. Boosts Iron levels

Anemia develops as a result of iron deficiency in your body. A fall in hemoglobin levels leads to several developmental issues. Anemic children have stunted growth, retarded cognitive and psychomotor development, and weak/underdeveloped immune system.

Iron plays a vital role in oxygen and nutrient transport, energy metabolism, and menstruation.

You must have noticed in the nutritional profile of corn that it contains iron in abundance.

Adding maize or corn derivatives to your diet in required amounts can solve issues related to anemia, particularly in children and women. Having optimum iron in your body is also essential for the health of your eyes, hair, and skin (8).

5. Enhances Endurance And Physique

Améliore l'endurance et la physique
Améliore l'endurance et la physique

All scientists agree that carbohydrates are the best fuel for your body during prolonged exercise. Our hero – corn – oozes carbs.

What’s even better is that corn has a moderate glycemic index of about 56 to 69.

The fiber and carbs present in corn help in building your dream body. Though carbs digest quickly compared to protein or fat, they can be stored in your cells for a long time without triggering inflammation. Therefore, corn is the solution, especially for athletes and regular heavy-duty gymmers (9).

6. Improves Vision

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids that play an important role in vision development. Deficiency of these carotenoids causes cataract, macular degeneration, and age-related ophthalmologic disorders.

Corn contains 21.9 μgg of lutein and 10.3 μg/g of zeaxanthin, along with ß-cryptoxanthin and ß-carotene.

When white, yellow, high-carotenoid, blue and red corns were tested for their lutein content, it was found to be the highest in yellow corn (406 µg/100 g) and lowest in blue and white corns (5.2 and 5.7 µg/100 g, respectively) (10).

Want to get rid of those thick spectacles? Binge on some fresh corn.

What’s the best way to have corn? By adding it to your daily diet, of course. I’ve collected some simple, quick, and healthy recipes with corn for you. Let’s see how they turn out!

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Healthy Recipes With Corn

1. Tangy Corn Salsa

Salsa piquante au maïs
Salsa piquante au maïs
What You Need
  • Corn on the cob: 4 ears, with husk
  • Black beans: 2 cans (15 oz.), unsalted, drained, and rinsed
  • Plum tomatoes: 6, chopped
  • Green bell pepper: 1, chopped
  • Red onion: 1, diced
  • Jalapeno peppers: 2, chopped
  • Lime juice: 1 lime (equivalent)
  • Cilantro: 2 teaspoons, freshly chopped
  • Garlic: 2 cloves, minced
  • Tomato juice: 14 oz.
  • Tomato sauce: 14 oz.
  • Kosher salt: 1 pinch or to taste
  • Black pepper: 1 pinch, ground, or to taste
Let’s Make It
  1. Preheat the grill on medium heat and lightly oil the grate.
  2. Place the corn ears on the heated grill and roast them until the husks show burn marks on all sides, and the corn kernels are cooked through.
  3. This could take about 20 minutes. Keep turning the corn ears at regular intervals.
  4. Let the corn ears cool down until they can be touched.
  5. Pull back the husks and remove the roasted kernels from the ears. Place the cooked kernels in a large salad bowl.
  6. Lightly toss the corn with black beans, plum tomatoes, green bell pepper, red onion, jalapeno peppers, lime juice, cilantro, and garlic.
  7. Pour the tomato juice and tomato sauce over the salsa and toss all the veggies again.
  8. Season the salsa with kosher salt and black pepper.
  9. Chill the salsa for at least an hour, preferably overnight.
  10. Serve it along with some crispy nachos or tortillas.

2. Quick-n-Creamy Corn Cake

Gâteau au maïs Quick-n-Creamy
Gâteau au maïs Quick-n-Creamy
What You Need
  • Butter: ½ cup, melted
  • Eggs: 2, beaten
  • Dry cornbread mix: 1 packet (8.5 oz)
  • Whole kernel corn: 1 can (15 oz), drained
  • Creamed corn: 1 can (14.75 oz)
  • Sour cream: 1 cup
Let’s Make It
  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C), and lightly grease a 9×9 inch baking dish.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the butter, eggs, corn bread mix, whole corn, creamed corn, and sour cream.
  3. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking dish.
  4. Bake the mix in the preheated oven for 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
  5. Serve fresh and warm with some cranberry crush or homemade cream.

Once you taste these dishes, you will not want to stop cooking and experimenting with corn. Corn is one of the tastiest additions to any dish.

But does that mean you should have it every day? How do you think your body would react to high doses of corn? Read on to find out.

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Does Corn Have Any Side Effects?

Yes, it does!

The high starch, fatty acids, and linoleic acid content of corn can cause the following side effects:

  • Inflammation
  • Stomach cramps
  • Constipation
  • Acute dermatitis or skin allergy (if you are allergic to grass)
  • Bloating and gas
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Sudden weight gain

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In Conclusion…

Corn is one of the finest vegetable grains that is wholesome and tasty. The starch, essential fats, and fiber in it help in protecting the vital organs in your body.

Anthocyanins and carotenoids are plentiful in corn, which makes it a healthy source of natural antioxidants.

However, just because something is good does not mean having it in excess amounts is a great idea!

Keep a watch on how much corn you are ingesting daily. Its starch and fiber can lead to the harmful effects listed above. And you don’t want to associate corn with a lousy gut!

One more thing to remember is that each person has their own capacity for digesting corn. Plan your meals according to your ability, not by blindly following a googled diet chart.

Please share your comments, suggestions, and more fun recipes with corn.

Use the comments box below.

Happy corn popping!


  1. “Health Benefits of Purple Corn…” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Institute of Food Technologists
  2. “Anti-diabetic effect of purple corn…” Nutrition research and practice, US National Library of Medicine
  3. “Anthocyanin-Rich Purple Corn Extract…” PLOS One, US National Library of Medicine
  4. «L'extrait de soie de maïs à haute teneur en maysine réduit…» Nutrition Research and Practice, US National Library of Medicine
  5. «Quels fruits et légumes sont les meilleurs…» Harvard Heart Letter, Harvard Medical School
  6. «Effet anti-inflammatoire de l'hydrolysat enzymatique…» The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, US National Library of Medicine
  7. «Effets anti-inflammatoires de Zea mays…» BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine
  8. «Effets du maïs diététique sur l'hématologie…» The Journal of Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine
  9. «Construire votre propre haute performance…» John McDougall
  10. «Sources diététiques de lutéine et de zéaxanthine…» Nutriments, Bibliothèque nationale de médecine des États-Unis


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